What the heck is EFT?
Understanding Emotional Freedom Techniques aka "Tapping" to reduce stress, anxiety and feel at peace.
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques because it creates a level of freedom when it comes to our emotions. It is also known as “Tapping” because we tap on the meridian endpoints while focusing on an issue.
Reduce Anxious or Stressful Feelings Immediately
You can use this simple technique when feeling anxious or stressed. You don't have to understand all the logistics of EFT to receive the benefits. Simply follow along and feel the stress melt away.
Make sure you are in a safe space (no operating vehicles while tapping).
Rate the intensity 0-10
Beginning with the top of the head, hold or tap with a gentle amount of pressure for a few seconds while focusing on your breath.
Continue to tap on each point (either side is fine) and breathe.
Take a moment and tune into your stress. How would you rate it now?
Continue to follow these steps as needed.
Who is it for?
Anyone who is struggling and would like to have a way to regulate their nervous system easily and effectively. Anyone of any age who is living with PTSD, anxiety, stress, phobias, addictions, excess weight, depression or other fears or limiting beliefs.
How does it work?
When we tap on the points, we send a calming signal to the part of the brain that activates the fight/flight/freeze responses allowing the body’s nervous system to become regulated and ultimately allowing the tapper to access their inner guidance and answers.
Contrary to common beliefs, tapping doesn’t make the “bad” feelings go away, instead it allows us to utilize the entirety of our brain and allows us to see the bigger picture which often brings a shift of perspective.
Let’s go over this as simply as possible. The amygdala is a part of the brain that is designed to be activated at any signal of danger/threat. When activated it is also known as hijacking the brain because the amygdala has the ability to shut down all non-essential body and brain functions without warning while releasing cortisol and other stress hormones in an attempt to survive. Some examples of non-essential body functions are digestion, metabolism and internal healing to name a few. Examples of non-essential brain functions are things like compassion, creativity and reasoning… aka all the beautiful qualities that make you YOU.
This is super helpful if we are in a life-or-death situation. BUT…. More often than not, we are not in a life-or-death situation and yet we are still activated.
Ostracized Cavemen…
Survival isn’t only physical. If you were a caveman and kicked out of your tribe you would not survive. The amygdala is hardwired to track dangers that are relevant to you and your tribe. Meaning, how you fit in within your family, your friends, co-workers, school, community and more. If there is a potential of being judged, made fun of, looked down upon, out-shine another, or any other situation that feels uncomfortable within your relationships, they all fall under the danger/threat hijacking of the amygdala.
Perpetual Activation Loop
More often than not, people think that they are rarely in danger so they are rarely activated. Once they understand that they can be activated for just about any situation that is out of their comfort zone then we realize that this may be happening A LOT! In fact, many people are stuck in a perpetual activation and often don’t know what life feels like to NOT be in it. The activation becomes the norm.
Perhaps you know someone who is always feeling anxious, or always stressed, worried or on high alert. That person is stuck in a constant loop of being activated. That person may even be you. There’s good news to be had here. You don’t have to go far to begin sending the calming signal to that part of the brain and begin to regulate your nervous system. All you have to do is tap or hold the points while breathing to begin.
Playing With a Full Deck
Once we are able to disable the amygdala’s activation, we are then able to utilize ALL of our brain. All of the components that were previously shut down are now available to you.
Remember a time when you were so upset or enraged and someone came along and told you to let it go, or look for the silver lining? Remember how you wanted to punch them in the face? Well, that was because your reasoning, creativity and compassion were not available to you in that moment.
Like I said, tapping doesn’t make the bad feelings go away. Instead what happens is it allows you to access ALL of your brain. You can start to see the situation, issue, etc., from a new lens. You can see the bigger picture. That is where the magic of tapping comes in.
The Meridians and Tapping Points
In the image below it shows both the meridians that are moving energy through your body as well as the points that we can use when tapping to regulate the system and deactivate a hijacking of the amygdala. If you notice, each point is connected to an organ or governing part of the body.
We do not use ALL of the points that are starred in this image during sessions. The most commonly used points during tapping sessions are the ones on the face, collar bone, under the arm and the side of the hand (image below).
Left or Right?
It makes no difference if you use the left or right hand with tapping. Use what feels most comfortable for you. Some tappers use both hands, others prefer one hand. It's all up to you. Play around with it and see what feels best for you.
Pressure when Tapping?
Tap firmly enough that you can feel it but not so hard that it hurts in anyway.
Amount of Taps per Point?
As you have probably guessed by now, this is a process that allows you to do what feels best for you. There is no hard rule on how many taps per point. As a general rule, we remain on each point for a few seconds. As you get tapping and allowing yourself to focus on an issue, you can remain on each point for every phrase that you state.
Full Round of Tapping
When you tap through all the points listed in the top image you have completed a round. Side of Hand, Top Head, Inside Eyebrow, Side Eye, Under Eye, Under Nose, Chin, Collar Bone, Under Arm, Inside Wrist
What if I can’t remember or don’t like all the points?
Simply tap on any points you like, feel comfortable with, and remember.
The Basic Recipe
Make sure you are in a safe space (no operating vehicles) preferably distraction free and private.
Tune into what it is that is bothering you.
Identify the emotion you are feeling.
Rate the intensity of the emotion 0-10.
Tapping on the side of the hand, say "Even though I feel ___ when I think about ___, this is how I feel right now and I accept myself". Repeat 3 times.
Tap on each point; top head through inside wrist repeating the emotion you feel out loud along with any other words that relate to the issue. Feel free to vent or rant if needed. Complete 1-3 rounds.
Tune into your emotion. How would you rate it now? Continue to follow these steps as needed.
Here is a video to follow along with Lori
Tapping In Public
Yes, you can tap in public without anyone knowing!
Mentally address your state; emotions and level of intensity.
Begin tapping on the finger points. Bring your thumb to the bottom corner of where your fingernail meets the finger.
Continue tapping through all the fingers (one hand or both).
If you’d like to add a few more points discretely, tap the side of the hand, followed by the inside wrist point.
Continue to tap through the circle of your hand until you feel relief.
If tapping isn’t an option, try simply putting pressure on the finger points by pinching the nail where it meets the finger on both sides and move through the fingers.
Why should I give EFT a try?
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Issues that EFT Addresses
EFT is very useful for a wide variety of issues. Some of the most popular issues people use EFT for are anxiety, trauma, PTSD, stress, weight loss, phobias, depression, limiting beliefs and addictions.
Science of EFT
There are countless scientific studies done on EFT. Here are a few useful resources to review.
What happens if it doesn’t seem to be working?
If you are feeling your numbers aren't going down, then you may not be addressing the true issue/emotion. It is also possible that there is something bigger under the surface that you may or may not be ready to address. If this is the case, you will benefit from working with a certified practitioner.
It is advised that you continue to tap and breath while repeating a simple phrase that speaks to you. Here are a few examples, feel free to mix and match or make up ones that feel best for you.
“Even though I am feeling ___, right here and now I am safe”
“Even though I am dealing with ___, I choose to love and accept myself”
“Even though I’m ___, I give my self permission to feel what I am ready to feel”
Practitioner or DIY?
There are times where tapping by yourself are more than sufficient and there are also times where working with a skilled practitioner is most beneficial.
Proactive tapping by yourself is super helpful
when you first get up
before bed
when you are feeling stressed or worried about something
prior to a meeting or work day
before and after eating to encourage optimal metabolism and digestion
before and after exercise
when meditating
When it comes to addressing limiting beliefs, core issues and trauma, you will benefit from tapping with a skilled professional who can keep you safe while allowing you to process through the issues on a deeper level.
Becoming a Practitioner
Lori offers a very comprehensive training program for people who want to have a deeply skillful EFT practice. She teaches and certified EFT practitioners for EFT International and Empowerment EFT. To learn more about training and certification opportunities.
How can I learn more?
Visit Lori’s website at www.EmpowermentEFT.com
Who is Lori Lamont?
Lori is an EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Master Trainer and practitioner. She teaches therapists and coaches how to use EFT effectively so that their clients can process traumas, shift belief systems and ultimately evolve into their highest potential. Lori's mission in life is to raise the frequency of the planet.
I have learned so much from you Lori! I look forward to continued learning, and reading your articles and posts here. All the best with this new endeavour. Lynette